

For the semester project of the ETHZ course “Physically-based Simulation”, I have implemented a basic Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) fluid simulator. I have implemented simple 2D versions of the same algorithm in the past, but wanted to take it a step further during this project. The main objective has been to implement stable simulation of fluids consisting of millions of particles at reasonable performance. For simplicity and easier debugging, I opted for a CPU-only solution written in C++11. The following features have been implemented:

  • Interactive GUI with basic OpenGL visualization
  • JSON based scene description
  • Wavefront OBJ support
  • Index-sorted uniform grid for neighbour search
  • WCSPH and PCISPH solvers
  • PCISPH with adaptive time-stepping
  • Boundaries using boundary particles
  • Surface tension forces
  • Fluid mesh generation using marching cubes
  • Cache system to cache particles and meshes
  • Render application using either OpenGL visualization or SmallLuxGPU4

Source code and additional information is available on GitHub.